Sunday, August 27, 2006

Judge orders man to remove racist tatoos

Now I don’t know the full story but it sounds as if this man was just protecting his girlfriend. Now not that I agree with hitting females but I don’t see any reason for this man to have his tattoos removed, visit a “holocaust” museum and visit some African meeting house. It seems a bit extreme to me. Is this the future? For those of you in America. I wonder if those Mexican deviants who have been going on a spree of rape and other sick criminal acts will have to get their gang tattoos removed? For those of you in New Zealand I am sure you all know the many gang rapes the mongrel mob have done over the years. I am thinking of the poor young White virgin female the mongrel mob kidnapped off the side of the road and raped her. They took her to their “gang pad” and raped her for hours more. When they were finished they dropped her off and made her pay for gas. How low is that? Will they next be made to have their tattoos removed? Remember they have Swastika and Death’s Head tattoos as well! I think not it’s only the White Race that has to pay and be dominated by the jew world order.
Think for your self.


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