Welcome to my blog
Hello and welcome to my blog. I thought I would like to voice my opinion like so many others do. There are not enough people thinking for them selves today and I would like to help you think out side the square. People need to open up their mind and eyes, stop following like sheep and forget everything that they have been brainwashed into. Basically the media and government only tell you what they want you to believe. You need to break free from the evil. It is hard and it will be lonely, people will want to kill you and kill your family if you speak your mind. But hey it beats living on your knees and being feed by the spoon a load of lies. I hope you enjoy what I have to say. If you don't then I suggest you go back to your liberal blogs.
Nordic Cross.
Nordic Cross.
Thank you.
Nah I was just joking. You're a homo.
Well I quess I'm hitting a nerve if you have to react like a child.
Thanks for the feedback.
Nah, he's thinking for his self unlike you who writes like a white power lab rat with an education.
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