Friday, August 04, 2006

Hey Mel

Loved all your acting till now, I know it’s got big jewish backing but I know your heart ain’t in it. The only thing you did wrong was drink and drive and that is serious, the rest is freedom of speech. Be Braveheart, don’t go crawling on your belly to ‘gods chosen people’ after all the creators of South Park never apologised for trashing your religion. How about everyone stop picking on white people speaking their mind? So what if Mel does not like jews most people don’t, most people don’t have the balls to say anything. Because as soon as someone says something bad about the jews all hell breaks lose. They will be deemed a racist, a Nazi a bigot and they will be made to never forget what they said about the jews. They will always bring up the “Six Million” nonsense and get the sympathy card. Can’t they drop it? They act as if only jews were killed in WWII they act as if there was only jewish concentration camps. I surely hope Mel sees the right way; grovelling and kissing the feet of the jews will not help him at all. It’s not to late Mel. Think for your self.


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