Sunday, August 06, 2006

International jew

I know your game you infiltrate a country with your cap in hand and bend over backwards to show what a decent people you are, while all the time wedeling your way into all forms of power. Government, education, law and the economy, you get in there and change and invent laws like anti terrorism laws. Teach our children to be spineless liberals. Control the rate of inflation and bring the average working man to his knees with crippling interest rates and fuel prices. You give big record deals to talent less apes in the hope that you change a generation of white kids into gangsters and hoes. Ruthlessly victimise Mel and ruin his career because he had an opinion and voiced it. All media run by jews is crap news, telling us what they want us to believe and hide the truth. Jew judges locking up good people for nothing more than telling us the truth, while letting mongrel murderers walk free like O J Simpson. Victims of this atrocity like Matt Hale, Ernst Zündel and David Irving, stay strong our thoughts are with you while we take up the struggle for justice for you guys. Another day another lie, switch off the jew news and open your eyes, ask the hard questions and take courage to stand and be counted.

Think for your self.


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