Thursday, August 31, 2006

Evangelist drowns trying to walk on water

Man Kills His Children and Himself

Mel Gibson Nailed in "Hebrew Hammer" Sequel

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

She begged for help,1,998861.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

How do you feel? Would you like the same thing happen to your daughter, in fact would you like the same thing happen to your loved ones? Let's face it. It's getting worse and at a very high rate. No one is doing anything. No one cares. Do you care? Or are you the type of person that waits until the problem is at your door? Then that's when you raise your voice and make a stand? But maybe when you finally deicide to grow some balls, it will be too late. You must realise black on White crime happens a lot more than the news tells us. If they reported on every bad thing black people and other non-Whites do on a daily basis, there would be a hell of a lot more proud White people in this World of ours. But they don't want that, oh no. They want us to feel guilty and ashamed. While this crime carries on. What's if we wanted to speak up about this crime? We would of course then be labelled racists and Nazis.

I am sick of the way things go. You may not enjoy me speaking my mind, but I don't really care. When I read articles like the one above it makes my blood boil. It makes me feel sickened as I see all of you sheep be lead into the slaughter. The death of your own kind is near and you don't even care. Remember it's not too late, start opening your eyes more and read! Take a good look at your country, the people in your country and the state of your cities and towns. Of course take a good look at your own people! Don't be afraid to think "forbidden thoughts" there are not thought police yet. Have pride in your heritage, your White skin and your people’s most brilliant history

Schoolgirl stabbed pupil in eye

Monday, August 28, 2006


One Third of the holocaust

A 4 hour movie on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec.

Judea Declares War on Germany

Prison Camps - Truth

Think for your self.

Iran to hold 'holocaust conference' in December

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Judge orders man to remove racist tatoos

Now I don’t know the full story but it sounds as if this man was just protecting his girlfriend. Now not that I agree with hitting females but I don’t see any reason for this man to have his tattoos removed, visit a “holocaust” museum and visit some African meeting house. It seems a bit extreme to me. Is this the future? For those of you in America. I wonder if those Mexican deviants who have been going on a spree of rape and other sick criminal acts will have to get their gang tattoos removed? For those of you in New Zealand I am sure you all know the many gang rapes the mongrel mob have done over the years. I am thinking of the poor young White virgin female the mongrel mob kidnapped off the side of the road and raped her. They took her to their “gang pad” and raped her for hours more. When they were finished they dropped her off and made her pay for gas. How low is that? Will they next be made to have their tattoos removed? Remember they have Swastika and Death’s Head tattoos as well! I think not it’s only the White Race that has to pay and be dominated by the jew world order.
Think for your self.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Israel buys 2 nuclear-capable submarines

How low will a jew go? … Pretty low

You can call me pessimistic if you want but I prefer to always look for different answers to my questions than what jew news drums into dullards.
I’m concerned that something stinks in the kidnapping of the two Fox newsmen. It comes across as an elaborate copycat but highly effective enough that no one has any idea or leads. These kinds of outfits like to blow their own horns pretty loud and revel in their coup. This is veiled in secrecy, then a new group no one has heard of claims responsibility. Now this new highly skilled sleuth group should have the media in a feeding frenzy. At last they have some new news to relate and fantasize about to the gullible. But no, not a sausage even Fox news hasn’t been bothered about it’s own story and men… strange.
My answer is that the jews staged the whole thing to invite more trouble to the region and bring the axe further down on the Palestinians, end of story. This has been done before by the jews and will undoubtedly happen again and again. It doesn’t matter if they get caught out, they always wiggle out of it and I’ve had enough.
Go to the link at the bottom of the page. Check out the story of the American ship air attacked and boat torpedoed by the jews in 1967 during the Six Day War. This ship was clearly visible as American, 34 men were killed and 171 hurt. There have been no real answers by the jews why they turned on the American ship but you can bet there was going to be something in it for them one way or another. Now you won’t get the jew media digging that story out of their archives!

I am back

Greetings, I am sorry I have not updated this blog for some time. I have been busy lately. I will start posting again. I hope you enjoy what I have to say. If I’m gone longer than a week the thought police have most likely arrested me. We have got to remember the jewish terrorists of the mossad. If you don’t know much about the sickening past of the mossad then do some research. Think for your self.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Pro-Israel pressure strong in US

Pre-Schoolers Must be Taught About Gay Lifestyle: Teachers Association

Pre-schoolers to be taught about homosexuality? What is this world coming to? Should they get practicing paedophiles to teach the little ones about their life style as well? Let's face it at the end of the day these types of people have something wrong with them. It’s not normal.

You can read the article here.

Think for your self.

53 year old black man kills 17 year old White boy

Read the article here.

19-year-old suspected of raping his young sister with a friend

19-year-old suspected of raping his young sister with a friend

'Police on Friday arrested two teenagers from Nahariya, 19 and 16, suspected of raping the young sister of the 19-year-old, a seven-year-old girl. The alleged sexual assault took place in a Tel Aviv hotel where the three of them were staying.'

Read the full article here.

Think for your self.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Israel wants to nuke Iran?

Israel wants to nuke Iran?

Think for your self.

I think the rats are fleeing the sinking ship

Following this foiled terrorist plot to blow up aeroplanes from the UK. You can’t help but feel a little worried that at the present time many jews and their young families are fleeing America to the jew home land (fitted out with bomb shelters for all the little whinging jews.) Why would any sane parents take their little ones into a war zone? Where their very existence is “threatened”. Unless of course they know something we, the White people of this planet do not know. Kind of like 9/11. The heat is most definitely on. Things can only get worse from here on in. Brace yourself.

Think for your self.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hey Bush

It’s time to take the cowboy hat off, put the peanuts down and concentrate real hard in what I’m saying. The only way this ‘shit will stop’ as you carelessly describe the solution to the Middle East conflict. Is when Israel stops taking and occupying it’s neighbours land. Pretty simple even for you. People are opposed to Israel for this sole reason, and when they are faced with a jewish lead America who will not listen they are forced to act in different ways to get their message of discontent out there. They are not terrorists, extremists or the enemy. America land of the free and leaders of democracy does a great job in running a dictatorship to other countries and it’s own enlightened people on whom they should love and whom they should hate. It should not be classified as a crime to dislike Israel. It is now too late for America to stop Israel from screwing her and then leaving her as their scapegoat while the world retaliates.

Think for your self.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Israeli charged over Israeli killing

Israeli charged over Israeli killing

I see a number of red sites have removed the first article about this jews death. I guess they were hoping it was a neo-Nazi who killed the jew. But as it's a jew that killed the jew they have removed the first article. Oh well.

We will not be gagged.

Lets have a lesson on terrorism; firstly it is a synonym for the word intimidation. As I mentioned before many good decent people have been put on trial and been found guilty and jailed for many years on jumped up so called hate crimes which come under the umbrella of the new (jew inspired) terrorism laws. I live a long way from were these guys are jailed. I thought it would be good for their morale and just the decent thing to do, to write and let them now it’s not all in vain and they’re not forgotten. Many told me that they wouldn’t be allowed my mail. But I wrote to Matt Hale regardless, it was nothing heavy on issues or anything that would make it bad for him in anyway. Just a hello, bit about myself and hang in there were thinking of you. Anyway sure enough time went by and I got the letter returned. I should have sent a letter at the same time to the most worse murderer slash paedophile in history and I bet you he would have been allowed my mail. Anyway what I’m getting at is the fact that good, innocent people are being intimidated by their country and denied basic human rights. They are being tricked into thinking no one cares. But worse than that they and their plight are being hushed up and if you are just your average Joe you are not going to see their stories on 60 minutes. These guys are in jail because their government work for the jew in suppressing any attempt at having people educated in the real politics of the world. People are getting smarter and asking questions this is the real threat to the jew dominated world, not these faceless enemies that are just a smoke screen for them to control those of us breaking the chains of jew slavery. Rock on with whatever freedoms you have left, stick a big finger at them. Fuck it, they can’t fill up all the jails with us and leave the real crims out there running amok.

Think for your self.

Israeli killed by Bondi gang

The moral to the story being - if he was in his own country (Israel) he would not have been killed. By the way many White people were killed world wide on that same day, wheres the news articles about that?

International jew

I know your game you infiltrate a country with your cap in hand and bend over backwards to show what a decent people you are, while all the time wedeling your way into all forms of power. Government, education, law and the economy, you get in there and change and invent laws like anti terrorism laws. Teach our children to be spineless liberals. Control the rate of inflation and bring the average working man to his knees with crippling interest rates and fuel prices. You give big record deals to talent less apes in the hope that you change a generation of white kids into gangsters and hoes. Ruthlessly victimise Mel and ruin his career because he had an opinion and voiced it. All media run by jews is crap news, telling us what they want us to believe and hide the truth. Jew judges locking up good people for nothing more than telling us the truth, while letting mongrel murderers walk free like O J Simpson. Victims of this atrocity like Matt Hale, Ernst Zündel and David Irving, stay strong our thoughts are with you while we take up the struggle for justice for you guys. Another day another lie, switch off the jew news and open your eyes, ask the hard questions and take courage to stand and be counted.

Think for your self.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hey Mel

Loved all your acting till now, I know it’s got big jewish backing but I know your heart ain’t in it. The only thing you did wrong was drink and drive and that is serious, the rest is freedom of speech. Be Braveheart, don’t go crawling on your belly to ‘gods chosen people’ after all the creators of South Park never apologised for trashing your religion. How about everyone stop picking on white people speaking their mind? So what if Mel does not like jews most people don’t, most people don’t have the balls to say anything. Because as soon as someone says something bad about the jews all hell breaks lose. They will be deemed a racist, a Nazi a bigot and they will be made to never forget what they said about the jews. They will always bring up the “Six Million” nonsense and get the sympathy card. Can’t they drop it? They act as if only jews were killed in WWII they act as if there was only jewish concentration camps. I surely hope Mel sees the right way; grovelling and kissing the feet of the jews will not help him at all. It’s not to late Mel. Think for your self.

Consistency please!

Racism 'not behind mosque attack'

'Police have a suspect but say there was no racist or religious vendetta behind swastikas and the number 666 being daubed on a Lower Hutt mosque.'

So how come when a mosque is vandalised it is not classified as a racist attack? But when a synagogue is vandalised it is always a racist attack. Could it be that if the mosque attack was racist then it could only mean that the finger could maybe point to the jews as they are both in a very bitter conflict with much blood spilt.

Check out the news links below and think for your self.

Nazi signs painted on mosque -,2106,3748625a11,00.html

Racism 'not behind mosque attack' -

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. I thought I would like to voice my opinion like so many others do. There are not enough people thinking for them selves today and I would like to help you think out side the square. People need to open up their mind and eyes, stop following like sheep and forget everything that they have been brainwashed into. Basically the media and government only tell you what they want you to believe. You need to break free from the evil. It is hard and it will be lonely, people will want to kill you and kill your family if you speak your mind. But hey it beats living on your knees and being feed by the spoon a load of lies. I hope you enjoy what I have to say. If you don't then I suggest you go back to your liberal blogs.

Nordic Cross.